Saturday, April 30, 2011

A3C #s 29/30; the opening; the closing...

THIS has been an awesome little challenge-myself type month. I kind of hoped I would be able to do the whole month out, but wasn't really pressuring myself to do so (life, eh, gets in the way of some of my best intentions at times). I am SO very glad that I was able to complete the whole month...every day doing something. A little teeny bit, a doodling thing, or a whole-hog fest worth of techniques...all included...along with little pieces of life picked up along the way - some day I will look back with awe and wonder at the lists that I had to write for myself (because I'm sure I will have to add things later like "get dressed" "tie shoes" or "underwear goes on FIRST" this will look like child's play hahahahahhaa) Lots of pictures below, so hold on tight...

First we have the 29th which spread on two pages because I had stamped this reaaalllly cool thing with paint, chopped it up and wanted it in there it is LOL

Second, we have the 30th, which was better "said" with photos....playing with the camera is next on my personal agenda (in the midst of like 2309309 other friggin things I have to do in REAL life over the next few months....the camera will be a cake walk in comparison...maybe I can toss in some chemistry and calculus? eeeeeeeeeasy).

Then we have the "first" page, ie. the page right after the cover....title page I guess?

These are more like the introductory pages....the APRIL definition was from a framed thing I had received as a gift many-a-moon-ago, which actually was connected with another name/definition, but I kept the part I liked and used it (reduce/reuse/recycle intact hahahaha)...

and FINALLY....the FINAL page...I am loving this coarse dry brush technique with the acrylics - LOVING it, not to mention the transparency-type butterflies which came on small sticks- from Michaels, they just POP and are perfect for the month, yes?? Yes.of.course!!

OKAY ----- just so you know, the project "technically" isn't over. BECAUSE I did all of the INSIDES Of the journal -- but I actually did NOT do the cover first. THAT is never the case. Ever. In fact, this is the first time I've EVER done something completely backward.

This madness, however, did have a method. I surmised that the reason I may not want to "complete" something, is because I plan too much of it in advance, then the theory or the theme somehow shifts in the middle, so then it doesn't feel like the cover originated it...and I feel discontent with it continuing, so I abandon the project. THIS project is different.

I can only say that I would love for :real life: to mimic THAT particular theme for me ;)

I digress. At some point tomorrow I hope to have the cover finished. Thank you so much to everyone (or Lynn??) that has kept up with my ramblings and random yakking about products or techniques, etc.

This has been a great month!!


  1. lol! only YOU can be back assward. lol!!1 love it. your journal rocks. i NEEEEED to complete mine when i get home. soon :)

  2. Wow ... I love what you've done with that very cool book, love the colors, and textures, the bit's and pieces ... and the fact that it's all "you". I'd never be able to keep my mind all together for a project like this, but I'm awfully glad to look at yours.
