Monday, April 11, 2011

A3C #11

I am "kind of" veering away from my original in-my-head plan for the journal --- but I am actually VERY glad that I am because I'm getting to try some new techniques with different mediums and I'm soooooo liking it :)

So. Today I had to work -- and then work on some challenges for a few different two done that I had wanted to. Now to wait to post them on the appropriate days. I'm thinking that I'm 2 weeks ahead of myself with my journaling challenge at The Moments as it is not due until the 1st. woohoo me. Staying ahead of SOMEthing will feel good in comparison to the running behind things usually does. Bah.

Given that I generally have 349823479 things running through my head at the same time - in no apparent order - I have to strive very hard to get things done in the order that they are needed sometimes. Like anything else, I suppose, some days are more difficult than others. At least today I haven't been overwhelmed with artistic projects and driven myself to the point of wanting to take a nap to try and turn off the brain (does it turn off then? I don't think it does. I think I can overwhelm myself while sleeping too. True story --- who else could wake themselves up with a panic attack?)'s April's Artistic April Challenge. Now to see if I can do a few more things before bedtime :) Have to do my own ManicMonday with the absence of my Lynn *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. you may as well admit you're adhd. bwahahahahaha. however,i have practie at keepin up w/u. catch me if you can, love it.
