Saturday, April 23, 2011

A3C 22 & 23 and book flower wreath project!

Okay -- big post, only because I neglected to actually POST the one from friday and yesterday ON TIME. *sigh* Just now noticing of course that it's also past midnight and voila now I've missed posting 2 days. I am proud to proclaim though, that while I didn't post it on time, it was actually finished on time (personal goal, I know that whomever happens to be reading this is thinking, "uh, so what April, what is the big deal" -- but it seems to be one for me).
More watercolors - friday with the pencils and saturday with the love love.

Remember the book flowers that I got the NEED to do from reading Lizzy's blogpost?? WELLLLLLL....I did them up good - with help from my sweetie's kids (as mine were with their father, or I'd have had an assembly line 4kids long muhahahahahahaha crafting minions!!) Mine have different sizes, and I added two birds to it ... one of the kids said "awwwwww...just like you and my dad" and that was so sweet to me - I couldn't disagree ;)

TOTALLY loving the project idea, thanks again Lizzy - have an idea for the next one which will involve glimmer mist (because that stuff is aaaawesome). and another idea for one involving styrofoam cone/tree shapes?? would that not be amazing??

Another project for another day...


  1. omg. well my a3c is at home bwahaahaha!!! BUT THAT WREATH - OMG!! its soooooooooooooooooo GORGEOUS. WOW.
