I am not a slug. I just felt like telling that tidbit of VERY important info right from the start.
I worked my 7 hr shift...made 7 hours because of little miss GracieCitizenOfTheMonth's ceremony this morning. Then, tonight was studio night. I shared a bit of myself with a couple of families...saw some adorable babies that didn't cry at my face, or my voice which is still going kind of raspy when it darned well feels like it.
With all of that garbage laid out before me...I didn't have time to create diddly-doo otherwise. HOWEVER...do NOT be disappointed!! You will see my altered art today :) THis is a G that I got for miss GracieDoWellPants it had a metal hook already attached, but it was all white, and I felt that it needed something >:) This is what it got. I have an A for myself, dunno if I've got to give that a little something as well or not MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Just noticed the pic looks green....it's actually on a wood table, however, the wood table is covered by a cut resistant mat thing that I scrap on (my desk? unprotected usually...the table?? not such a good plan to leave that uncovered!) :)
lmao.....g-force strikes again. love that. and i know you're proud of missgraciedowellpants. because she's well adorable and i KNOW she LOVED that G.