Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

For mother's day for my mom, I decided that I would make my mom a book page rosette wreath...for hers I added a nest and a bird (shown on her door, no I didn't put it on MINE first, though now that I think about it...hahahahhaa)

Card #1 OUTSIDE: Titled {lazy} and if you can't read the tiny print next to the photo: "and they say the hens don't lay" was hilarious to me.

Card #1: Inside

Card #2: (titled: OnMyNerves) Outside

and Inside:

Now, my (non)marital status being what it is...mother's day has a different twist for me. Actually, that's a ridiculous for a description. Mother's Day was never something that was "respected and revered" overall (marital status not included in the analogy)...if I had to give a percentage to "good" mother's days opposed to "omg what day is it" mother's days - I would have to say it was 10%good to 90% omg. Sad? I'm not sad about it - it just was what it was and it currently is what it is. I'm not saying that the whole day was crap...I'm just saying that I didn't feel very respected or even very LIKED by my offspring today. Yes, they had outside influence to help mold them this way (yes, even today, just like last year, an outside interference UGH).

ANYWAY ---- crap talk aside, my Chicken Little made me a bracelet out of these kinda cool linky plastic things (which I will wear to work tomorrow, and post a pic of tomorrow as well). BUT she also made me a fabulous card with the most HILARIOUS written message inside (I can just feel her adult-self cringing years from now hahaha love it).

MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Chicken Little is my chicken with the flare for the dramatic (understated...drastically LOL) Apparently I make her cry, but I am still loved as a favorite lovable mother. Ahhhhhh sweetness :)


  1. omg. lmao.....sounds like the perfect day for you. love it!

  2. Oh April, I love that wreath. Wow, I never saw one like that. So beautiful. Also, your cards are so fun and cute. Great job!

  3. That wreath is stunning!!! Love the cards!

  4. Love the wreath April ... you should more and sell them on ETSY ... OMG because I would never have the patience to make my own. Happy belated Mothers Day to you girlie ... and what sweetness from your little Gracie.

  5. Gorgeous! And the cards are great, kids are so funny!
